21/22 Pledge Drive

March 2021

Greetings UUR Members and Friends,

I’m proud to be a member of this church. It reminds me of “The Little Engine That Could.” When I think of all our church provides for our members and our greater community, it’s a WOW! For a small group, we do big things - our recent effort on behalf of AIO is just one example. I hope you will continue to support our church with your pledge. Church is important to us all, especially during these challenging days! Please be as generous as you can - it’s a terrific investment.

Candace Vancko, Board President

This year, UUR has done extraordinarily well in continuing our mission! We haven’t missed a beat with remote worship and the superb efforts of Reverend Susan, Carney McRae and Claire Beven have kept us connected - along with ongoing community service and social justice endeavors! Our future is jam packed with good things - a new minister soon, a new administrator on board and further musical gifts from our music director whose talents we had just begun to enjoy when our lives changed so drastically. The upcoming Stewardship Drive will be accomplished via snail mail, email, and our website. Please continue your generous financial support.

Susan Solman, Chair; Judy Powers,

Dick Tomeo, Jennifer Temple,

Kim Gallagher, Zac Cornish:

The Stewardship Team

In recent days I have imagined scenes of your next congregational year. I see you gathering together in your beloved, peaceful sanctuary with music flowing through you. I see kids running the halls again, and adults visiting over coffee. I see your new minister turning with smiles and a barely contained energy from one to the other of you, getting to know you, being grateful to serve such a caring, community-oriented congregation. I see your eyes sparkling. And I see new and exciting things happening as you take your emerging ministries into the Rockland community.

The first year of a new professional ministry brings many opportunities – for deepening, growing, and reaching out, as well as for innovating. Combine that with the joy of coming out of sheltered living in a pandemic, and you will have some powerful energy on your hands. I want you to be in the position to take that energy and embody our Unitarian Universalist values in all the ways you can, ways that will touch your spirits and be of use in the world. To that end, I urge you to give as generously as you can in your pledge for the next congregational year.

Remember: you are pledging to yourselves, collectively, and to your future. Your leaders have managed your finances very well in these past couple of years, another reason that you can trust this congregation to make the most of what you give. Do it for yourselves, for the next generation, and for this faith.

Rev. Susan Milnor, Interim Minister