Worship & Music

Worship & Music Ministries

There are many ways to be involved in our worship and music ministries. These opportunities can be fulfilling spiritually, and is a way to deepen connections with others in the church.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee works with the minister and Music Director to create worship experiences, primarily on Sunday mornings. Members may create worship services, find people to lead service (summer and once a month), and discuss changes in worship with the minister. Worship Committee members also may serve as worship associates (assisting the service leader or minister with aspects of the service). If you are interested in participating with this committee, contact Lois Anne, chair to see if this is a good fit for you.

Worship Associates

Worship Associates assist during worship services. They may do greetings, present a Time for All Ages, do a reading. They also may support technical needs - microphones, recordings and running Zoom services. Contact the minister if you are interested in this ministry.


The choir under the guidance of our Music Director, provides music at least twice a month. Rehearsals are fun and engaging. For on-line services, members will record themselves singing with demo tapes provided by the Music Director. Volunteers assist the Music Director by providing editing skills to create the pre-recorded music. Contact Claire Helene Bevan at music@uurockland.org if you wish to join.

Other music

If you play an instrument, consider offering the gift of music during worship. The congregation appreciates hearing from people of all ages. Music is an important part of this congregation’s worship experience. Contact Claire Helene Bevan at music@uurockland.org if you have a musical talent and would like to share.